Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Speedy Day

Often at work, I catch myself wanting the day to end quickly so that I can 'get to the fun stuff'. I'll often stop myself and wonder: why do I want to hurry things along? Isn't it better to enjoy each day, moment by moment, than wish for a feeling of quickening it's pace? What's the use in that? There are things to enjoy or appreciate everyday. It feels better to focus on that, than quickly getting through things. 

One way to do this is to appreciate what's right in front of you. Is it my witty colleagues? Being of service to others? The simple fact of having a job, a car, or a computer to read this incredibly entertaining blog? Air, trees and chocolate? Being thankful is talked about immensely because it really is a big deal. Taking the time to do it throughout the day swishes in a wave of happiness that leads to wanting to be in your life, not trudge through the hours. 

Another way to steer clear of day rushing is to be open to poking some fun into your surroundings: Put up a Poem Of The Week on the break room white board. Bring in a ripe pear for a co-worker who brought you plums from her fruit tree. Do some investigating as to what brings joy to your colleagues and bring on the fun.

Think about this: Your body is always present. It's not in two places at once. If you are in your living room, then you are not also hiking in the Alpine Mountains. But your mind can be in your body, wandering around a tropical island beach, sky diving with a movie star, or stressing out about a future event. So, the only way for you to achieve a mind and body connection is to be present to the moment, inside of your body. 

Not to say day dreaming is a bad thing. Just be aware that you are taking off for mind play. Keep that mind in your body most of the time.

Stay away from drifting along with what you have been doing in auto-mode. Even small attempts and variety can bring a day from hum drum to a bit of laughter. 

Click to purchase fun for your kiddo!

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