Friday, September 10, 2021

Scream Yes To Opportunities

 Many of us have a vision of a career catered to our bliss. Mine is as a prosperous author. Yours could be an artist, actor, popular influencer, an entrepreneur,  or a river raft guide; the choices are as diverse as  the world population. If you are someone who is a believer in manifesting your dream, that the Universe is working for you, or in the power of faith and prayer, than you may be under the false belief that their is only one way to achieve what you want. That if you take up an opportunity to do something that does not readily seem to be on the path to your desired end, then you should not take it. This is generally false. 

The truth is that we do not know how we will get to our set goal. A seemingly different opportunity may be the bridge to getting us to the trophy. Let me give an example.

Years ago, as a massage therapist, a co-worker was moving to another coast and wanted me to take over her practice. I declined because I thought that would be telling the Universe that I did not believe that I would be a prosperous author, that I would be sending mixed signals. As in: yes, I believe in the manifestation of my request, but not enough to forsake other offers.

What I didn't realize at the time was that perhaps in this new job, I could have met someone who could have offered just the advice needed to get what I wanted. Or some type of network could have introduced me to another opportunity that would have brought even more happiness than being a writer. Or, I could have met Mr. Wonderful!

The other thing to not take lightly is that even the most faithful are susceptible to moments of challenge. Shortly after refusing the massage job, the Great Recession hit. Had I taken that job, I would probably have had enough money to get through it without worry. I would like to say that I had such great faith in prosperity that monetary issues did not have an effect on me. But, I was not mentally there, yet. Being overcome with stress and a major loss of income, I worked at three spas to make ends meet. 

So while you're working toward your goal, it's okay to accept other opportunities. You don't know how your request is going to be met. As the saying goes, 'God works in mysterious ways'. You may be awesome, brilliant, and filled with faith, but you don't know the entire workings of what the Universe is up to. 

So, if the opportunity sounds like something you could benefit from, do your research, and be open to screaming YES!

Click to purchase for the massage therapist in your life

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