Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Unleash Your Will Freely


Do you have free will? Are you in control of your thoughts? Can you choose to be happy?

You know you have free will if you:

·         Are not an ant obeying a queen

·         Can make a choice, even if it will hurt

·         Can dream, imagine, envision, and picture things in your head

It can be argued that there are instances in which free will is impossible. Prisoners, victims of violent crimes, dead-end jobs that are needed to pay rent.  There are extreme challenges. But you can make the choice to be at peace.

Free will is more than getting to choose a tuna sandwich over a Cobb salad. It is also about deciding the attitude you want to approach your life. Make difficulties into challenges with the opportunity for long-term growth. Such as: declaring a long wait at the Department of Motor Vehicles as a chance to read a book, play computer games on your phone, meditate with your eyes open, make a game out of imagining the job of all others in line.

Many years ago, I went to a play documenting the two experiences of two men who had both been kidnapped for political reasons and imprisoned overseas. For several years, they lived in the same facility, and endured the same harsh treatment. Fantastic play but what got me was hearing from the two men afterward. They spoke of their feelings as prisoners, and their attitudes when released and returned to their families.

The first man was anxious, angry, bitter toward his captors. When he got home, he could not shake the feeling of injustice that had been done to him. He remained deeply unhappy. The second man accepted what had happened. He felt he had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m sure he had moments of anger but his overriding thoughts were to not take this personally. He chose to surrender through his time, hoping to eventually return to his family.

As you have probably guessed, it was the second man who appeared happier, more relaxed, at peace. I’m not sure if I could have been as enlightened as he was. That is a huge heaping of mashed potatoes to swallow. But it does reveal the extent to which free will can benefit us. You can choose how you want to perceive a situation. You have the choice to be at peace with circumstances beyond your control.

It is when we are at a peaceful state that creative thought can thrive. Flowers bloom better in cared for soil. Being stressed brings focus on the negativity. It’s like a mesh chain surrounding you and keeping out imaginative solutions to difficulties.

Next time you find yourself focused on the negative, take three deep breaths. Remember that you have the free will to change your thoughts to peace. From there you are open to receiving creative solutions, and ideas.

Freedom to choose peace leads to openness to creativity.

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