Friday, January 8, 2021

Oracle Cards Guide Inward

An oracle was once restricted to a priest or priestess . They were our medium for gathering advice from god. Nowadays, we have stretched this human limitation to include oracle cards. Rather then traveling to the homes, hermitages or mountain tops in search of spiritual guidance, you can buy illustrated packs to answer your questions. A path made easy with the flip of a card.

Those who have been traveling the spiritual path may find cause to argue here. God is within us. All the guidance we need can be found in that still, quiet, inner voice. Meditation, living in the now, staying aware, all of these already show us the way to a happier life. This is all true. But the issue is that these things are not always easy to follow. We are often blind to our own third eye. The constant chatter of our unrelenting ego, that inner dialogue that is often on repeat, can be hard to ignore.

And so, bring in the hero disguised as a deck of oracle cards. This is not contradictory to knowing that goddess wisdom is available to us all, directly. The thing is, these cards are simply a way for us to cut through the clutter of our mind's chatter and hear ourselves out. Goddess speaks constantly, cards being one of them.

Some cards have the ability to show where you were, are now, and will be in the future. In presenting the past, we can glean information about what we have been doing. This morning, I drew a card that said I had opened a treasure chest. In reflecting on the past year, I realized the many treasures that I had accumulated in 2020. Mainly, that I had received much of what I had asked for at the beginning of the year. I took the opportunity to be thankful for my manifestations. 

When listening to the cards regarding the present, it can be helpful to ask a question before choosing the card. This serves as a guide that can direct answers to exactly what you want to know. It lessens ambiguity. Or your question can be simply, 'what will bring me the greatest joy?'.

Any card that reveals your future is not set in stone. There is no inescapable fate. What it can expose to view is the path you're on now. This is extremely helpful because you may or may not want the revelation. If shown something you don't want, you can change your behavior to manifest what you do want. You aren't strapped like luggage in a car heading in a direction you don't want to be in. Your point of destination can be recalibrated based on your changing input. Meditate, focus on what you do want, use the Law Of Attraction, choose a different ending. This is the delight of prophecy. Learning your destination allows you to decide on an alternate trajectory. 

Use after a meditation for maximum benefit. Be open to answers that follow throughout the day and beyond. Best to be in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere.  I always shuffle the deck three times to send my energy into the cards. Allow time to reflect on what your cards may reveal. Thank the cards for the knowledge that you have received when you're done. 

Here are the oracle cards that I use:

Click to purchase

Spiritual Lynx is hopeful that this may guide you onto a desired path!

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