Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Heavenly Dictionary

There needs to be a dictionary of spiritual words. Think of all the versions of god there are--one for every religion. The people who instantly 'get you', are those in your inner circle. But those outside of your daily routine probably don't hold the same understandings of basic spiritual words.

Many see god as outside of themselves, a man sitting on a cloud waiting to judge, punish, and fight with the devil for our souls. 

I see god as an unconditionally loving force that does not judge or punish.  God is love, it says repeatedly in the bible. So when someone says they do not believe in god, to me that translates as not believing in love. Further, the religion I grew-up in views the devil as non-existent. Sure, there is devilish behavior, but no actual devil. 

So maybe it wouldn't be a dictionary in the usual definition, but a remaking of otherworldly terms. It would involve more categories. When you are going in to a discussion on god, you could look up the word and read through the different versions. With a quick perusing, you could figure out which god meaning you believe in. 

Hyphens could work. Like: Cloud-god, Love-god, devil-behavior, devil-reality. With these remakings, we could know right off what other people are talking about. So much simpler. 

Dictionaries are non-judgmental. This fantastic new book could be used without judging the other person for their beliefs (hopefully!). We would simply know what they were talking about without all the explanations.

Wow, in writing my great idea, I'm thinking that someone may make a grab at it and write this dictionary. I only ask for ten percent of the profits and credit for the idea. That's fair. 

Here are some more words for the dictionary: 

Heaven is within you: Within-heaven. Heaven is behind pearly gates, something to strive for while on earth: Gated-heaven

'Spare the rod and spoil the child' as a reasoning to spank children: Spank-rod. Rod as a guide to lead children, as used by a shepherd: Guide-rod. 

I've only listed words from Christianity. In wanting to not screw up other religions and their views, I'll stick with what I'm more familiar with. To make a complete spiritual dictionary, we would need to consult all of the major world religious leaders and many of the different followers.

This dictionary would help immensely. So often when I hear people speak of spiritual matters I feel like I have to rearrange their words in my head so I can relate to what they are talking about. I'm guessing that others feel the same. With a non-judgmental book like this, perhaps we could talk about religion without fighting. Sounds heavenly!

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