Saturday, August 29, 2020

Chaos Versus Clarity


In 2016, when it was Trump versus Bernie or Hillary, we had the chance to choose between fear and ignorance, and love. Popular vote gave over to love; electoral college to fear and ignorance. You know the rest. 

The world is increasing in vibration. We are heading toward more people being aware of their

  • connection to god
  • effects on one another
  • responsibility to the care of earth
  • respect for sentient beings
This progression is coming along whether you choose to resist the change or flow with it. The river does not stop when you dip your toes in. 

As the destination is the same, the way to get there varies: chaos or clarity. Chaos involves suffering, pain, hardship, and violence. Clarity is about peace, grace, health, and abundance. 

These choices come to individuals, families, communities, nations and the world. Starting from the ground up, positive or negative thinking influences your life and collectively can impact everything. We've all heard the argument and benefits of positive thinking. You have likely seen its results in your life. 

Don't think that all is lost when you are dipped into this time of a chaotic national government. We are being shown what needs to be changed by the revelations that all is not well in the U.S., as many colored people have known for generations. The destructive forces of climate changes that we are experiencing have opened many eyes as to the economic and environmental injuries that need to be addressed right now. Covid-19 has allowed us to see that quick world changes are possible. And the national governmental corruption has brought out many people to run for governing positions who are invested in helping and representing the people of the United States. 

As earthly inhabitants of this time period, we are all on this rocket toward a more loving world. Take the choice to make it one that flows with the spirit. Keep your vision on the long-term of what beauty awaits us, even if the world seems a scary place right now. One way or another, your heart can stay in love. Love always prevails, always. 

My book of merpeople in their Utopian world. Check it out:

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