Friday, August 20, 2021

Fat, Happy, Baby-Cute Dreams


I'm reading a *Seth book. Perhaps you've heard of the series: A being who channels through Jane Roberts to give us humans advice, guidance, and a wee bit of knowledge as to the workings of the Universe. Now, regardless of whether or not you believe in channeled beings, the information is extraordinarily helpful. This is my first time dabbling into the series, and I'm only half-way through the book, but I've already gleaned a plethora of useful information. I'm as excited as an author at a free writer's conference hosted by Stephen King and Jodi Piccoult. 

Please understand that the Seth books are not an easy read. I find myself re-reading paragraphs to get a sense of what is being conveyed. With that in mind, bear with me as I attempt to explain these lofty concepts.

What I have to share concerns dreams. When  you close your eyes, relax, and let go of words forming in your thoughts, you'll probably see images. The images may be of stuff that you saw during the day, recollections of childhood, or random pictures. These images can be influenced by your emotions set before you closed your eyes.

If you started out in a happy state, the images will tend to be happy ones: pictures of you on vacation, a litter of playful puppies, ice cream cones, your last birthday party, whatever brings you joy. As you slip off into sleep, these images fall away. Once R.E.M hits, your dreams will probably be positive, tranquil, peaceful. When you wake up, you may feel more eager to greet the day. Woo hoo! Seize that day! Let the day seize you, and all of that fun, jazzy attitude. 

Flipping the emotional coin to fear, anxiety or sadness, and then slipping under the covers gripping these emotions, your negative state can lead to a scary picture show. Horror movies often make sleep harder to fall into. The boogey man feels omnipresent, like he's waiting in the folds of your brain ready to attack when you give into slumber. Behind closed eyes, you may see that annoying woman at the coffee shop who always steals the last of the cream, snarling dogs, ships sinking, villagers with pitchforks attacking a defenseless ogre, whatever agitates you. Sleep will be harder to come by and can set the stage for a grumpy day to follow. 

But, there is hope! There are forces at play trying to assist you. They are lurking around you, through you, and in you, grasping for ways to drag you out of the pits of doom and back into the sunshine of a joyful life. Since  you're going to sleep, your dreams can be used. Images, activities, short stories, all of the stuff that comprise a dream are ways for those inner and outer forces to give you guidance. However, if you fell asleep in a fearful state, your dreams may be nightmares. 

Advice laden dreaming still permeates happy sleepers. Guidance is not given to only those stuck in fear. But the dreams will feel more like a serene, psychedelic experience.

The tricks to use that midnight advice is to remember your dreams, and to interpret them. There is a great deal of writing about how to do this. I will leave that for another blog post. 

In summary, you regulate which type of images you will get as you lay in bed. You are not the victim of what comes to you. You are the one who picks the type of movie for the night. Do you want a feel good, uplifting, lighthearted movie to encompass your evening and spill into the next day? Then focus your thoughts on positive encounters and things of which you are thankful. Or would you rather be attacked by the boogeyman? Then stay scared, and let fear shadow your night. 

Me? I'm going to make it a habit to consider my emotions before siesta time. I hope you will make the same choice. See you in Dream Land!

An excellent, baby-cute image(book) to seek and purchase:

*Seth Speaks, The Eternal Validity Of The Soul, by Jane Roberts

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