Friday, August 27, 2021

Your Body Listens To You

We are always healthy. This is not a metaphysical, spiritual, woo-woo viewpoint. It's that your body responds to you correctly, all of the time. I'll start my explanations in the physical domain:

1. When you're sitting at a desk for prolonged periods, you're telling your body you want to stay like that. The body will oblige and your *muscles will stiffen into your chosen pose. Your body is trying to help you, not purposely hurt you. Your shoulders will hunch, neck push your head forward, and that space between your shoulder blades will remain ridged. 

The way out is to periodically move those muscles. Set a time limit of 90 minutes and get out of that chair and move. Walk around the office, do ten head rolls each way, circle your arms. 

*Actually, it's not your muscles that are stiffening, but your fascia. Fascia is a thin covering around each muscle that does the stiffening. Muscles only contract or release.

2.  If you say you always have a stiff neck, you will always have a stiff neck. Now, this is on the metaphysical side, but it is a truth. As a massage therapist, when I told clients this, most nodded their head in agreement and understanding. They often already knew this and just needed the reminder. If they didn't agree, they'd pretend not to hear or blow off my words. Either way, I figured I had at least planted a seed that may be adhered to in the future.

Whatever your ailment, say it's getting better. A sickness can be renamed as a challenge that's being overcome. All of those cells that comprise your body are listening at some level. Let them know what's going on, in terms you want to achieve. 

3. Pain is your nerves letting you know you have a problem. Headaches are often tied to tight neck muscles and/or not enough water. If there was no pain, we wouldn't know to address a problem. 

Listen to your pain. What is it trying to tell you? Do you need to see a doctor, get a massage, drink more water, or follow a more nutritious health plan? Hear it out. I'm not a doctor, but I can say this: when you take something to suppress pain, a cold, or any ailment, remember to question why you are feeling this discomfort. Do you need to relax more, consult a physician, or quit eating cheese puffs at midnight? Pain doesn't show up for no reason. Your body is talking to you. It's more intelligent than you are. Listen to it's guidance.

4. Emotions/stress effect your body health. Tight shoulders, inner organs, skin conditions, bodily functions, and more can be adversely affected. We all know how it feels to be stressed and have short-term bodily reactions, like shoulder pains or a headache. But long-term anxiety can damage inner organs, bring out eczema, or cause ulcers, just to name a few. 

The alternative is to search for more peace in your life. Happiness goes beyond simply feeling good, It brings health benefits like less pain, better functioning organs, and more energy.

5. Your thoughts effect your body. This is a BIG discussion that won't fit into this short blog. If you're interested in knowing more, read Louise Hay's Heal Your Self. It can be a lot to swallow at first. When I read the thoughts that were causing my ailment for the first time, I threw the book across the room and claimed she didn't know what she was talking about. After a time of self-reflection, I came to accept her explanation. As she also gives an affirmation to tell ourselves  how to heal, the book does a world of good. 

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