Friday, September 24, 2021

Growing Career

 I love writing. With every book, I hope to become a better writer. The current project I'm working on was for adults and I'm converting into a Young Adult novel. Using Saves The Cat! Writes A Novel, I'm also learning how to adapt the story into a system  taught by the author, Jessica Brody. It's like being back in college, including homework and assignments.

Are you doing something that you enjoy so much that you seek to learn more? Do you care about improving in your work? Are you still curious? 

It's important to sit back from your daily grind and ask yourself if you've become stagnant. Feeling like a creative contributor to this vast planet, yourself, family, other sentient beings helps us to be aware that we belong here, that what we are giving what is wanted. 

You have a purpose. Whether your current role is as a caregiver, lumberjack, artist, or politician do it with vigor. Embrace what you are doing and see what can make it even better for you and those affected by it. 

Supporting self supports others. Be mindful that when you take care of yourself, others will follow your example. Seeking to grow in your career  forges a path for others to do the same in their own.

The best way to contribute is to make sure that you are doing something that you enjoy. You set an example for others. Your love for what you do serves as an inspiration. Life is much more fun when you bring joy to the table.

Do you need to make major changes in your life to bring back self growth? Are there minor changes in your life that could be undertaken to get you back on the path of growth? Do the inner work of looking within to see if you feel you are doing what brings you the most satisfaction. The outer work is the actions we do to address the needs found in the inner work.

Keep growing in your career. There are always ways to improve, bringing on more happiness.

Ellie is always looking for ways to improve

Friday, September 17, 2021

Lucid Dreaming

About a month ago, my son sent a link to an audio intended to help people glide into a lucid dream. The recording is a woman with a relaxing voice, and peaceful music. The first few times I tried it, my intention was to simply use it as a way to fall asleep. I didn't really know what it was for and the experience was comforting. So, I got what I asked for and had a deep, lovely sleep.

Lucid dreams are when you know that you're dreaming while asleep. You can guide yourself within the lucid state, like being on a path and deciding which way you want to travel. Or, you can ask a question before you go to sleep and expect an answer. 

But then my son told me he experienced something bizarre after listening to it. He woke several times and sat up, about to get ready for the day. Except he was still dreaming and had not moved. He did this until he truly woke up. This creeped me out and I decided not to try it anymore.

But, curiosity got the better of me. In the audio, the woman suggests setting out an 'anchor' to let you know when  you are awake, such as a note by the bed asking, "am I dreaming?".  I put the note on my night table and snuggled into regular sleep. As I sometimes do, about five hours later, I woke up. Pushing play on the audio link on my smart phone, I set my intention to listen with the intention of achieving a lucid dream. It worked!

It felt like I was meditating, traveling, out of body, meeting different people, and going in and out of the sleep phase. Several times I was met by the same gorilla, a wise, compassionate gorilla. When I felt myself sort of partway awake, I would ask a question: how to achieve greater prosperity, health, a rocking cool partner, and happiness. The answers were spiritual, such as work more on self-forgiveness. And, more concrete like cutting down on fruit smoothies. 

Every person who does this will achieve different results. You may not get to the lucid state on your first try. It may take a few nights. Practicing at it is supposed to bring it on easier and give you more control of the dream. Be aware that you are not getting a deep sleep while lucid dreaming. It's not something to be done every night, or before an important workday in which you need to be fully rested. 

Do NOT do this if you have a history of psychotic episodes as lucid dreams can be confusing. If you are thinking about trying this, read more about it on-line. There are good articles on science based websites. 

If you try it out, let me know how it goes.

Click to purchase other fabulous ideas to link you to the spiritual world

Friday, September 10, 2021

Scream Yes To Opportunities

 Many of us have a vision of a career catered to our bliss. Mine is as a prosperous author. Yours could be an artist, actor, popular influencer, an entrepreneur,  or a river raft guide; the choices are as diverse as  the world population. If you are someone who is a believer in manifesting your dream, that the Universe is working for you, or in the power of faith and prayer, than you may be under the false belief that their is only one way to achieve what you want. That if you take up an opportunity to do something that does not readily seem to be on the path to your desired end, then you should not take it. This is generally false. 

The truth is that we do not know how we will get to our set goal. A seemingly different opportunity may be the bridge to getting us to the trophy. Let me give an example.

Years ago, as a massage therapist, a co-worker was moving to another coast and wanted me to take over her practice. I declined because I thought that would be telling the Universe that I did not believe that I would be a prosperous author, that I would be sending mixed signals. As in: yes, I believe in the manifestation of my request, but not enough to forsake other offers.

What I didn't realize at the time was that perhaps in this new job, I could have met someone who could have offered just the advice needed to get what I wanted. Or some type of network could have introduced me to another opportunity that would have brought even more happiness than being a writer. Or, I could have met Mr. Wonderful!

The other thing to not take lightly is that even the most faithful are susceptible to moments of challenge. Shortly after refusing the massage job, the Great Recession hit. Had I taken that job, I would probably have had enough money to get through it without worry. I would like to say that I had such great faith in prosperity that monetary issues did not have an effect on me. But, I was not mentally there, yet. Being overcome with stress and a major loss of income, I worked at three spas to make ends meet. 

So while you're working toward your goal, it's okay to accept other opportunities. You don't know how your request is going to be met. As the saying goes, 'God works in mysterious ways'. You may be awesome, brilliant, and filled with faith, but you don't know the entire workings of what the Universe is up to. 

So, if the opportunity sounds like something you could benefit from, do your research, and be open to screaming YES!

Click to purchase for the massage therapist in your life

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Speedy Day

Often at work, I catch myself wanting the day to end quickly so that I can 'get to the fun stuff'. I'll often stop myself and wonder: why do I want to hurry things along? Isn't it better to enjoy each day, moment by moment, than wish for a feeling of quickening it's pace? What's the use in that? There are things to enjoy or appreciate everyday. It feels better to focus on that, than quickly getting through things. 

One way to do this is to appreciate what's right in front of you. Is it my witty colleagues? Being of service to others? The simple fact of having a job, a car, or a computer to read this incredibly entertaining blog? Air, trees and chocolate? Being thankful is talked about immensely because it really is a big deal. Taking the time to do it throughout the day swishes in a wave of happiness that leads to wanting to be in your life, not trudge through the hours. 

Another way to steer clear of day rushing is to be open to poking some fun into your surroundings: Put up a Poem Of The Week on the break room white board. Bring in a ripe pear for a co-worker who brought you plums from her fruit tree. Do some investigating as to what brings joy to your colleagues and bring on the fun.

Think about this: Your body is always present. It's not in two places at once. If you are in your living room, then you are not also hiking in the Alpine Mountains. But your mind can be in your body, wandering around a tropical island beach, sky diving with a movie star, or stressing out about a future event. So, the only way for you to achieve a mind and body connection is to be present to the moment, inside of your body. 

Not to say day dreaming is a bad thing. Just be aware that you are taking off for mind play. Keep that mind in your body most of the time.

Stay away from drifting along with what you have been doing in auto-mode. Even small attempts and variety can bring a day from hum drum to a bit of laughter. 

Click to purchase fun for your kiddo!

Growing Career

  I love writing. With every book, I hope to become a better writer. The current project I'm working on was for adults and I'm conve...